FAQ - Those Frequently Asked Questions Need Answers
Here are the answers to some questions that we are aware at this time:
Will this project affect me?
The vast majority of Merced residents will not be addected by the proposed change. Those residents and business with "M" Street addresses will have a new street name should this proposal be enacted.
We do know that 462 "M" Street address will be impacted.
What are the estimated costs associated with the proposed change in street name?
Estimates are being sought at this time. More to follow.
Why is this change necessary?
It is not necessary, rather it is a desired outcome to honor veterans and their families within our community.
What is the expect date of completion for this project?
A proposal has not been officially made to the Merced City Council. It is the City Council that will make the decision to move forward with the Citizens Committee proposal. The Citizens Committee working on this project will be proposing that the dedication ceremony taking place November 11th or 12th, 2016 depending on the decision of the City Council and the venue.
Is the City Council and its staff fully informed about this project?
Members of the Citizens Committee met with staff of the City of Merced and a five-minute Citizens Participation presentation was provided to the Merced City Council at the April 4,2016 City Council meeting.
How will the costs for this project be financed?
Citizens Committee members are developing ideas at this time.
What are some of the components of the project?
A vision of what could be was developed
Interested citizens were contacted
Preliminary meetings were held
Proposal to the Merced City Council was made
Honoring Our Veterans Committee meeting was held
Subcommittees formed
Research being conducted
What components of the projects will affect costs?
Currently being developed
Will the City of Merced share the costs for this project?
Unknown at this time
What portion, if any, of the costs will be borne by private funds?
Unknown at this time
How will information on the progress of the project be publicized?
Web site
Tabling events
Community meetings
Radio announcements
City Council Meetings
How may I help in assuring the success of this project?
Complete our online petition supporting our efforts
Participate in Community meetings
Volunteer your time
Donate to our efforts, if you can
How do I find out more about this project?
Keeping checking our web site
Newspaper articles